It has been two weeks since we have started our travels through Northern Europe. So far, we have traveled through Stockholmand Malmö, Sweden and Copenhagen and Odense, Denmark. Throughout the trip, we have learned so much and have been inspired extremely. One memorable place that we went to in Malmo was Castle Garden. A wonderful example of placing a tranquil space within a heart of a city.
Castle Garden:
During our bike tour one of our last stops was The Castle Garden. The Castle garden is a charming organically managed garden that is
comprises several smaller gardens with different styles as well as different functions.
The nursery is where most of the plants for the garden are cultivated. There
is also a pleasant café located on conveniently on site. The café has a fully organic range of baked
goods, foods and drinks. There is also a greenhouse that you can enjoy your meal in.
It is home to a numerous variety of vegetables you can add to your plate.
A Bit of Background. Castle garden was created by a group of
Malmö residents, with no professional background in gardening. They wanted an
organic garden that would be created and open to everyone. It was officially
opened in 1998.

What we did gather from him was that green space and gardens “help solve the
worlds problems”. His love for planting and enthusiasm for nature was
infectious. He encouraged us future designers to integrate as much green in our
design as possible.
After his brief talk with us, we walked through the
that were filled with beautiful perennial plants and vegetables and trellis' laced with vines. After about an hour we left Castle Garden, waving goodbye to
John Taylor as he continued merrily along with his lawn mower.
Kristina Jesena and Elaine Palacios
Kristina Jesena and Elaine Palacios
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